Step 2

What's going to happen next


You'll track time spent on work activities in your private journal, then link your activities to a workflow for approval. Linking different activities to different workflows let's you work for many agencies or work a side-hustle while journalling all your time in one place, under one login.

Workflows can be created by you yourself, or assigned by your client or agency.

If your agency doesn't yet use Zipwire we recommend you explain how it helps you and politely ask them to set themselves up and add you on our free tier.


Your journal is where you track the time you've spent on various activities. It's for your eyes only and other people only see what you include on your timesheet.

Create and name your own activities in a flexible triplet format, for example.

XYZ Corp > Project 1 > Design

ABC Inc > Bangalore > Cleaning

You'll track time in hours and blocks of ten minutes. We automatically map this detailed time to the timesheet billing units, such as half-day units. You can tweak the units and attach a file before sending.

Because we fill-out the timesheet according to your client's rules, it can never be invalid and waste time.
