Meet Zipwire Approve

The operating system for your contractors & temps

Timesheets are the vital link between agency, worker and impressionable client

Getting everyone paid, chasing up late timesheets and wrong invoices can soon overwhelm the core business of finding great talent.

Fat finger errors can damage trust and ruin your reputation overnight.

Zipwire manages your timesheet senders, approvers and processors, does all the sums and streamlines your workflow so getting people paid doesn't take up the bulk of your week.

View of timesheet and the people involved.
iPhone showing screenshot of Zipwire.

Zipwire keeps everything flowing

We organise your workers into assignments and create teams for the approvers and for the lovely people who'll be processing the timesheets so you can divide and conquer.

You set rates and billing rules and can even configure invoices to be automatically generated from the sender to your business.

Timesheets can be quickly approved via WhatsApp and we capture their number for audit.

Read more about assignments →

No agency? No problem.

Direct hire

Zipwire Approve is an app for organising and managing freelance, contract or part-time staff, designed for Human Resources, People Ops teams or a just group of founders.

Turn the tables

As a freelancer you can use Zipwire Approve for tracking time and invoicing your customers and even flip things by inviting your boss and your agency.

Designed to help you stand out and grow

No credit card required. Your first 10 senders are free. See pricing.

Features that save time & money. For you and your clients.

Automatic invoicing

Freelancers forgetting to attach their invoice is the most common hold-up when processing timesheets. And cross your fingers and hope it's not wrong because that eats time and money.

Zipwire gives you the option to have sender invoices automatically created and attached, and can create invoices for your clients, too.

Attach a file

In addition to automatic invoicing, timesheet senders can attach a file containing anything they like, such as a receipt or a picture of a cat playing the piano.

Team inboxes

Instead of timesheets going to a particular person and then having to be re-sent to their deputy when they're away, we send timesheets into a team inbox.

You can easily add or remove people and we keep a record of changes. This works for approvers and processers.

Grow your business. Take on more work. Don't let admin limit you.

Think beyond the paperwork

Smaller agencies tend to expand until the back office busywork overwhelms them. Winning another client can mean taking on another admin person, leaving you no better off. Avoid the growth dilemma with software that scales with you.

Aligned with your success

Zipwire gets cheaper as you take on more work. Unlike most software, you pay only for the work you put through it. We continually listen to our users and make changes that make you more productive. This means you can take on more work, which helps us. It’s a positive sum game.

Invoice your clients

Produce combined or individual invoices for a batch of timesheets in seconds.

You can export CSV files to help upload data to invoice factoring providers or import into your accounts software.

An old Blackberry

You wouldn't hand out one of these today

You worked so hard to win that client. Don't ruin it by asking them to bat timesheet.docx back and forth at the end of the month. Emailed docs—which don't even work on mobile phones or iPads—can't be how you represent yourself in 2024.

And derelict timesheet portals can actually be worse, often completely obstructing pay day.

With AI on the horizon, it's time to up your customer experience game and use software that's always improving with the times.

See how bad portals damage your growth →

You set the rules. We fill out the timesheet.

The secret to why Zipwire Approve timesheets are always correct is that we keep time jounalling and timesheeting separate. How does that help?

Workers track time in a private, detailed journal. Then when it's time to get paid, we use their journal data to fill out their timesheets using units and rules you configure for their assignment. Rules and even rates can change during a period and Zipwire will still get it right.

iPhone showing screenshot of Zipwire's billing rule configuration UI.

AI + WhatsApp lets your customers work smart

Workers can update their journal with a single message...

...or describe their whole week.

Read more about this feature →

An red tin robot toy.
"Here I am, brain the size of a planet, and they ask me to chase up a timesheet."

Easier approvals. Fewer delays.

Line managers can also use WhatsApp to approve their team's timesheets, avoiding frustrating delays.

And if they're on a beach somewhere, you'll be pleased to know that timesheets drop into a team inbox so a deputy, or even the deputy's deputy, can come to the rescue and get everyone paid.

Powerful search

We found processors spend lots of time digging for attachments.

Searching Outlook and switching apps trying to piece information together is a time-consuming faff and a recipe for error.

Zipwire feeds all your timesheet and invoicing data into a bottomless data warehouse where it's indexed and can be quickly searched.

No credit card required. Your first 10 senders are free. See pricing.
Phone shape screen showing screenshot of Zipwire's search

Show tech workers you're their kind of people

Engineers will sing your praises when they learn they never have to leave their beloved terminal.

Phone shape screen showing screenshot of Zipwire's journal

One journal. Many assignments.

Captain's log

Workers have their own Zipwire account and track time in a single journal only they can see.

All their time is tracked in just one place, whether they have just one assignment or work for many bosses, companies or agencies.


Journaled activities are linked to assignments so Zipwire knows which times to put on which timesheet.

The agency can opt to assign their own activities, too, and include cost-center or project IDs, or shift names.

Will people remember you?

When customers are growing their teams, if your brand is memorable, they'll call you first.

Business card with prominent brand logo on Zipwire's dashboard

To keep your brand top of mind, Zipwire puts your business card front and center on everyone's dashboard with quick access to contact you.

Once settled into a team, contractors often can't remember who placed them and get confused with previous placements, so its vital to stay connected with workers and their hiring managers.

See how visual cues boost your brand →

Learn much more about Zipwire in the docs →

Get setup in 5 minutes

No credit card required. Your first 10 senders are free. See pricing.

Psst... Looking for a compliant way to check identity?

Need a faster way to onboard a new recruit? Piles of KYC for some new business? Tired of chasing down missing documents? Our sister product, Zipwire Collect, completely reimagines document collection and ID checks.

Imagine a system where your customers snap photos of their docs and send them straight from WhatsApp. Where you can define complex collections, "any 2 of these different types, plus this other stuff but only if they're foreign workers, and don't send me expired items! We need a code for this certification website. Finally, fill out this form and acknowledge you've read this statement."

If that's all too familiar, we've got a solution just for you →